JUMAAT (30/5/08)

zeti & sepupunya di kg
JUMAAT (30/5/08)
zeti & sepupunya di kg
Cerita dari teman yang menghantar e-mail. Utk sesiapa yang ada anak.....atau yang bakal ada anak....
JUMAAT (23/5/08)
Zeti dah 5 tahun, tahun depan boleh pegi sekolah .... kan
dan inilah ikan-ikan ibu tu ...
9 cara untuk menghentikan pemanasan Global:-
· Tukar lampu. Tukar lampu biasa kepada lampu 'fluorescent' yang membolehkan anda mengurangkan 150 paun karbon dioksida setahun.
· Kurang memandu. Tukar kepada berjalan, menunggang basikal, berkongsi kenderaan atau menggunakan pengangkutan awam. Anda menjimatkan karbon dioksida bagi setiap kilometer yang anda tidak memandu.
· Kitar semula. Anda boleh mengurangkan 2,400 karbon dioksida bagi setiap kitar semula yang anda lakukan daripada bahan buangan di rumah.
· Periksa tayar. Pastikan tayar anda cukup angin kerana ia boleh menjimatkan minyak lebih 3 peratus. Setiap pengurangan minyak boleh membuang 20 paun karbon dioksida daripada udara.
· Kurang gunakan air panas. Banyak tenaga digunakan untuk menghasilkan air panas. Jika anda menggunakan air sejuk atau air suam untuk membasuh pakaian, anda menjimatkan 500 paun wap panas setahun.
· Elak produk yang menggunakan pembungkusan. Anda boleh menjimatkan 1,200 paun jika mengurangkan pembuangan sampah kepada 10 peratus.
· Kawal suhu. Elak menggunakan alat mengawal suhu panas terutama ketika musim sejuk. Anda menjimatkan kira-kira 2,000 paun karbon dioksida melalui kepintaran mengawal suhu.
· Tanam pokok. Sebatang pokok boleh menyerap 1 tan karbon dioksida sepanjang hidupnya.
· Tutup penggunaan alat elektronik. Tutup televisyen, pemain DVD, stereo dan komputer apabila anda tidak menggunakan kemudahan ini. Ini dapat menjimatkan beribu-ribu paun karbon dioksida setiap tahun.
Lihat bunga tu dilitupi ais
Pada suatu hari, seorang Nyonya bernama Nyonye Mei Lee datang ke KL untuk kali pertama selepas menang loteri. Beliau check-in disebuah hotel mewah dan seorang pelayan membawakan begnya menuju ke bilik penginapan Nyonya Mei Lee.
Nyonya Mei Lee dengan girangnye mengikuti langkah-langkah pelayan itu danketika pelayan tersebut menutup pintu, Nyonya Mei Lee melihat ke sekeliling. Beliau tetiba menjadi marah lalu berkata kepada pelayan tersebut. "Eksekius mi, lu jangan ingat wa tua, mali dari kampung, tatak tau dudukhotel.. sudah baya latut latut, lu kasi ini bilik ka??! kicik!! tatak tibi, tatak lemari tatak apa pun??? katil mau titun pun tatak????, haiyyaaa.. mautipu olang ka??!!"
Lalu pelayan itu pun menjawab, "Sabar Nyonya, ini barulift, maaa...."
Ni ha barulah best kan ..
Lah ... ingatkan tadi dia dah tiba kebiliknya. Dia dah tak sabar dah ....
Have you ever noticed gals who sit their handbags on public toilet floors,then go directly to their dining tables and set it on the table? Happens alot!It's not always the 'restaurant food' that causes stomach distress.Sometimes 'what you don't know will hurt you'!Read on...Mom got so upset when guests came in the door and plopped their handbagsdown on the counter where she was cooking or setting up food. She alwayssaid that handbags are really dirty, because of where they have been.It's something just about every woman carries with them. While we may knowwhat's inside our handbags, do you have any idea what's on the outside?
Women carry handbags everywhere; from the office to public toilets to thefloor of the car. Most women won't be caught without their handbags, butdid you ever stop to think about where your handbag goes during the day.'I drive a school bus, so my handbag has been on the floor of the bus alot,' says one woman. 'On the floor of my car, and in toilets.''I put my handbag in grocery shopping carts and on the floor of thetoilet,' says another woman 'and of course in my home which should beclean.'We decided to find out if handbags harbor a lot of bacteria. We learned howto test them at Nelson Laboratories in Salt Lake , and then we set out totest the average woman's handbag.Most women told us they didn't stop to think about what was on the bottomof their handbag. Most said at home they usually set their handbags on topof kitchen tables and counters where food is prepared.Most of the ladies we talked to told us they wouldn't be surprised if theirhandbags were at least a little bit dirty.
It turns out handbags are sosurprisingly dirty, even the microbiologist who tested them was shocked.Microbiologist Amy Karen of Nelson Labs says nearly all of the handbagstested were not only high in bacteria, but high in harmful kinds ofbacteria. Pseudomonas can cause eye infections, staphylococcus aurous cancause serious skin infections, and salmonella and e-coli found on thehandbags could make people very sick.In one sampling, four of five hand bags tested positive for salmonella, andthat's not the worst of it. 'There is fecal contamination on the handbags'says Amy. Leather or vinyl handbags tended to be cleaner than clothhandbags, and lifestyle seemed to play a role. People with kids tended tohave dirtier handbags than those without,with one exception.
The handbag of one single woman who frequented nightclubs had one of theworst contaminations of all. 'Some type of feces, or possibly vomit' saysAmy.So the moral of this story is that your handbag won't kill you, but it doeshave the potential to make you very sick if you keep it on places where youeat.Use hooks to hang your handbag at home and in toilets, and don't put it onyour desk, a restaurant table, or on your kitchen countertop.Experts say you should think of your handbag the same way you would a pairof shoes.'If you think about putting a pair of shoes onto your countertops, that'sthe same thing you're doing when you put your handbag on the countertops' -Your handbag has gone where individuals before you have sneezed, coughed,spat, urinated, emptied bowels, etc!Do you really want to bring that home with you?
Oleh kerana usiaku kini semakin senja, maka setakat itu sahajalah ahli keluarga yang dapat ku cari. Harapan dan doa ku semungga semua ahli keluargaku ini akan beroleh kesejahteraan dan kebahagian serta berjaya dalam usaha mereka mengejar cita-citanya yang satu. Mudah-mudahan mereka semua akan menjadi insan yang berguna kepada bangsa, negara dan agama serta ketua mereka (AYAH DAN IBU).
Sempena Ulang tahun perkahwinan kami pada 9 Ogos 2008 ini aku sentiasa memanjatkan doa, semuga ALLAH Lanjutan Usia Perkahwinan Kami Hingga Ke Akhir Hayat. Amin ...